Xavier palfreman tiktok. 734) on TikTok | 12M Likes. Xavier palfreman tiktok

734) on TikTok | 12M LikesXavier palfreman tiktok 8K followers, 38 / mo - Tweets freq, and 1

5M Followers. 19 and crazyyy 🫣😝. 300. #stitch with @user628278188259 “fly high🕊️” 😭😭🤣. 1 Followers. 104. This man curiously owns camels, a laptop (obvious), and a gas station. 2. Maybe some other people have done it, but I just want to be part of the trend. @xavierjp__ Prophet Muhammad ﷺ destroyed all the idols that were at the kabbah We don’t worship the kabbah, basic Islamic theology - you should have learned it in religious studies at the age of 10. Xavier Palfreman. 186. Xavier Palfreman. Reload page. 66. 10:44 AM · Jul 9, 2023. labour aristocrat femcel. 9K. 4M Likes. Born Muslims don’t know just how good they have it in this regard. #stitch with @pearlmania500 #greenscreen #savetiktok @Pe. my yt the latest video from. 3M j'aime. 2M Followers. Super Freaky Girl - Nicki Minaj. I would reword this statement akhee. Watch the latest video from Xavier Henry (@xavierhenry_). The biggest lies feminism sold women are 1) they deserve to be treated the same as men 2) motherhood is a burden 3) marriage is slavery 4) men are the enemy 5) a university level education and established corporate career are more important than marriage I’ll explain👇. @xavierjp__1. P Classified information 😂🤣#fyp #suavexavier #Trump #impressions. TikTok video from Carollynn Xavier (@carollynnxavier): "Bringing California's and Southerners together one phrase at a time #southernliving #southern #nottodaysatan #lovethesouth #southernaccent #californiatransplant #carollynnxavier #cleancomedy". @xavierjp__ I will not pray for the forgiveness of a kaffir It is forbidden May Allah guide them or bring them to account for their heinous deeds. In February 2021, the human race — already shaken by global catastrophes, political turmoil, and the arrival of a Pentagon UFO report that could blow the lid right off everything we thought we believed. 628K. Full video on YouTube 🫶🏼 #fyp. Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ I’m not one to take pleasure in another man’s suffering Unless that man has a reputation for insulting Allah & The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ So watching Steven crowder’s life fall apart made me smile “They plot & plan, but Allah plots & plans, & Allah is the best of planners”When you start rolling your Rs, getting that ذ sound, speaking in a low voice and using filler phrases, you’ve made it“red pill sleezebags talking about banging women on the first date and treating women like nothing but titillation, are gonna be in for the shock of a lifetime when their daughters are treated the same way by the young men they themselves taught this behaviour to Cant wait”“What is it with non Muslim men & their incessant desire to post half naked photos of their wives on the internet for millions of men to bookmark & drool over? You could put a gun to my head & i still wouldn’t post a photo of my wife’s shadow, let alone her in a Damned bikini”Xavier Palfreman. Xavier Palfreman. “@KSI Translation: “I’m not sorry for what I said, I’m sorry that I got caught. 11. “Muslim women who entertain non Muslim men have no idea of the harm they do to themselves & their akhira “Oh but non Muslim men are more respectful than Muslim men” How many more tweets from non-Muslim men about their fetish for you do you need to wake up & smell the coffee?”TikTok video from Xavier (@xavierthewolf07): "tik tok really told me to stfu". See new Tweets. 17. Connexion. Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ if anything happens to this sister (or her daughters) who called out Jeffrey marsh (LGBT paedo groomer) the lgbt community will find out just how “transphobic” Muslims can be The “tolerant” left showing just how tolerant they can be by threatening to doxx a mum & her childrenChloe Palfreman (@chloepalfreman1) on TikTok | 1. You guys motivate me to keep going wi. Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__1 Sisters will reply to their friends tabarruj posts like “MashAllah 😍 ” “So pretty!!” “Slayyy” “Love the Make up!” then when their friend kicks the bucket they’ll be begging us to report the account cuz “we don’t want her to get sins” Just Like Arsenal, they have 0 consistencyXavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ If only Muslim women would have listened to my advice I posted 4 WEEKS AGO saying they shouldn’t post Eid photos or any photos I posted about it the day before & after Eid I highlighted multiple times the dangers of it You all ignored me, & were forced to learn the hard wayXavier Palfreman. Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ Dear Muslim sisters You MUST watch this video, it’s SO important for your well-being & will teach you a lot Just make sure, once you’ve finished watching, to ignore every word she’s said & do the opposite, because this is an appalling attitude to have Love Your fav misogynistXavier is a bit shy and weak in English, 5’7″ tall, and weighs 68kgs. Xavier Palfreman. 3M Likes. 3) Take care of [email protected]. She deliberately speaks & acts in a vile manner because she knows you’ll lap it up mute block ignore Starve her of the attention she’s doing this for each time you share her tweets, you gain sins. 02 May 2023 12:11:36 “I’m not gonna share the video because it’s of a haram nature but the night before the raid on the Tate household, at least one of the “victims” was shaking her ass for a tiktok video Seems like a perfectly natural response to being trafficked and SA’d… right guys? Right…?” verifikasi umur saya dengan tiktok! Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__1 @xavierjp__ banned at 50k | Revert (3 years) | Fitness Coach | 25 | RNL | DM “COACHING” to work with me Still in your head, rent free Joined February 2023 “I’d built up a following making dark humour content, that was my shtick on the internet so naturally everything said on that account was done as a joke people have gone out of their way to dig up my past & are now outright fabricating things about me, my deeds & my character” “@TopGirlKeiko unsure what the need is for such rhetoric 1) I have publicly addressed my tiktok videos. Watch the latest video from Xavier Watso 🦉 (@watso_). 3K Likes. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Liked. Why would I want a boss? Why would I want to have to ask for time off for Eid? Why would I risk not being able to pray all 5 salah in the masjid? Why would I restrict earning potential? Why would I want corporate bureaucracy? “GeT a JoB” I worked hard to LEAVE my jobXavier Palfreman. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Xavier Palfreman. Xavier Palfreman. Xavier Palfreman. Xavier Serrano IG: xserrano9. love this fit from @prettylittlething #ad 🖤. 8M Likes. Plus their crime rates are through the roof Wouldn’t be surprised if they have the highest proportion of single mum households either”Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ Alhamdulillah gained 2k+ followers this month, a year ago I had a couple hundred But please - do not take me as a role model or look up to me, I’m not The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Im deeply flawed but I try to share things that I hope will benefit, regardless of my shortcomingsXavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ Brothers let’s say A beautiful girl has caught your eye, maybe even offered Zina & the temptation is like a fire within you remember, a man who is tempted by a beautiful, high status woman but rejects her saying , ‘I fear Allah,’ will be under the shade of Allah on judgement day“Just seen a video of a man vlogging whilst his wife gets groped in the streets of India as part of “religious celebrations” by over a dozen different men As a man, why are you recording your wife getting her breasts and ass grabbed by perverts? Why aren’t you protecting her?”David Palfreman (@davidpalfreman) on TikTok | 0 Likes. @xavierjp__1. Context: people who hate me, mostly Muslims, like to post my old TikTok videos as a “gotcha” moment. 6K Likes. @revertDaWOOD. 18. 10:28 AM · Mar 7, 2023. Watch the latest video from Carollynn Xavier (@carollynnxavier). 2M Likes. 3. 8:27 PM · Jun 28, 2023. Men shouldn’t behave like this AND women should take precautions* Yet another example of why women shouldn’t post their photos. Muslims won’t/shouldn’t congratulate non-Muslims on their religious occasions for the simple fact that anything not from Islam shouldn’t be celebrated That’ll. 11 Jun 2023 22:28:16. On a device or on the web, viewers can watch and discover millions of personalized short videos. Sign upApparently this exists in all Muslim countries I did not know this Common Muslim country WXavier (@xavier. It is infact my mom’s birthday tomorrow!! Wish her a. “@StirlingWisdom Porn Video games Netflix Obsession with sports teams Just a few examples that psychologically castrate men on a daily basis”Covid was the second fastest growing religion behind Islam for 2 whole years “The Science” was their deity The media were their prophets “Experts” were their saints CovidXavier Palfreman. . “@hudaxpxp @IbnAbiQ Cuck behaviour Displaying your wife for other men to stare at and fantasise over I’d rather crap in my hands and clap”“@_aky7_ @TateTheTalisman At this stage I will be absolutely gobsmacked if he’s not 😂 His lawyer said so in an interview plus his tweets have been pointing towards that conclusion”“@Tam_Khan Imagine if they tried to pull this clown show in a mosque 😂”Xavier Palfreman. Once you change or remove parts of the religion or add things to it to suit your desires, are you really following Islam? “liberal islam. ‘Who is better in speech than the one who calls people towards Allah, does good deeds and says: "I am a Muslim?"’ 41:33 “Is the one who is a believer equal (before Allah) to the one who is defiantly disobedient? They are not equal” 32:18 Allah’s words, not mine. LIVE. Carollynn Xavier (@carollynnxavier) on TikTok | 666. I have shared this to solely highlight how disgusting some men are. People will bash online friendships but have a kid with someone they met on tinder they call us “chronically online” for building brands, businesses, connections & friendships online Meanwhile they use the web to watch cat videos, anime p*rn &. @xavierjp__. 👨🏻‍🍳 Top Chef 2016🥇 📕NOUVEAU LIVRE DISPONIBLE💥. @xavierjp__ No Muslim should be implementing Christian beliefs into their life We do not bend, amend, water down or compromise on our faith for anyone or anything. original sound - Davante Wilson. Plus their crime rates are through the roof Wouldn’t be surprised if they have the highest proportion of single mum households either” Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ Alhamdulillah gained 2k+ followers this month, a year ago I had a couple hundred But please - do not take me as a role model or look up to me, I’m not The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Im deeply flawed but I try to share things that I hope will benefit, regardless of my shortcomings Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ Brothers let’s say A beautiful girl has caught your eye, maybe even offered Zina & the temptation is like a fire within you remember, a man who is tempted by a beautiful, high status woman but rejects her saying , ‘I fear Allah,’ will be under the shade of Allah on judgement day “Just seen a video of a man vlogging whilst his wife gets groped in the streets of India as part of “religious celebrations” by over a dozen different men As a man, why are you recording your wife getting her breasts and ass grabbed by perverts? Why aren’t you protecting her?” David Palfreman (@davidpalfreman) on TikTok | 0 Likes. ·. I run da block, I wet up da ops Cardi B: encourages. 5 years to complete your Hifdh on average! And make sure you keep on revision-ing what you have completed or gone through. #stitch with @user628278188259 “fly high🕊️” 😭😭🤣. 5M Likes. 11. @xavierjp__ “Xavier you spend too much time on Twitter, are you jobless?” Mate, I spend the same amount of time here as you, if not less The difference is HOW we spend our time. @xavierjp__. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Replying to. “@sneako Fat Hairy armpits Brightly coloured hair One of those tramp stamp tattoos that looks like a spiderweb under her breasts Limescale on her tongue Septum piercing Crazy eyes Pronouns in bio Pro Ukraine Pro LGBT Feminist Bodycount higher than the National speed limit”Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ Being attracted to muscular women as a man is weird Let me be clear, I’m not talking about women who go to the gym, I’m talking about women who are built like men Chest striations Capped shoulders Huge traps It’s. @xavierjp__ guys we gotta stop giving that green football shirted female account attention. 4K. The spiderverse meet up once again audio by @Nova. @xavierjp__ Drill music: i laughed as I watched her bury her kid. From detailed, bespoke workout programmes to exercise tutorials, from meal recipes to nutrition tracking and everything in between, look no further for the ultimate platform to build a better you. @. 24 Jun 2023 17:01:00TikTok video from Lauren Hopkins (@laurenhopo): "New tiktok dance #fyp #viral #dancers #freestyle@Katie Palfreman 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥". . Watch the latest video from Bryce Xavier (@brycexavier). Stumbled across a post from when I thought telling your girl what she can/can’t do was a manifestation of “insecurity” & that real men didn’t mind their women going clubbing, posting photos etc This was from February 2020, a couple months before I converted The growth is real. “@StirlingWisdom As if I didn’t respect brother Tate enough beforehand, my respect for him just multiplied sevenfold He is the definition of “practice what you preach” He had arguably the ultimate “excuse” (cancer) but still chose not to use it”The kufar are those who disbelieve in God and worship a deity other than Him، Christians and Jews are people of the heavenly Books who believe in the existence of GodXavier Palfreman. Stories of honour, bravery, triumph against insurmountable odds by the will of Allah etc There’s a time and place for the gentle soft stuff but there’s also a need for the blood guts and grit” Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ Honestly I don’t care when I see videos of US veterans crying & bitching about PTSD If anything I think “serves you right” “Veterans are homeless 💔 ” good “Veterans commit suicide 😭 ” good You killed millions of innocents. Why are you assuming genders in 2022… I expected better from you ngl I thought you were an alphabet army allyYou can legit sit there between sets of chest press & gain an abundance of rewards Allahu Akbar Subhanallah Alhamdulillah subhanallah wabihamdihi Astagfirallah ^examples of dhikr you can say to make use of the time you’d otherwise spend scrolling through fahisha on IG iktok. “African American stocks are in the absolute gutter, i don’t blame native Africans for wanting nothing to do with them. TikTok. @xavierjp__ Septum piercing detected Opinion rejected. It makes no sense When a sister posts a tiktok of her in niqab it’s all “sister you shouldn’t be posting this!” And that’s true! She shouldn’t But then why are we posting cute Islamic couples with a man in a Thobe and *wait for it* a woman in niqab Let’s not be hypocrites. ““Some women are clothed but naked, inclining to evil and seducing with it. “@SheikhBorz @soulscribe_a Oh 🍑 no 🍑 I 👉👈 am 🥺 terrified 🍑”“1) how are you talking about murderous beasts with a Ukraine flag in your bio 2) I’m a murderous beast for wanting to *checks notes* protect a mother and her children from *checks notes* LGBT Groomers and people that support LGBT groomers?”— Xavier Palfreman (@xavierjp__) July 4, 2023 Twitter: @xavierjp__ I thought this was fishy given how everyone knows Jackie Chan is a POS when it comes to women and it's been confirmed that this. “May Allah’s curse descend upon any man who abuses his woman in such a manner That’s the mother of your child and you’re throwing her around like it’s some UFC fight. 3M Likes. Téléverser . #Jesuit #xavieruniversity #collegelife #collegestudentlife #letsgox #xavieruniversity #collegetiktok #midwestcheck #midwestcollege #studytips #collegestudytips #finalsweek #examweek. 54K. @xavierjp__ Replying to @ShaykhSulaiman. Still too risky. 2K. “@Harun__7 Ahhh All the girls in nightclubs are just traumatised every Friday & Saturday night 11pm-4am? Everything makes sense now” Page couldn't load • Instagram. Tim Graham/Getty Images. 5M Followers. This is a dm a sister received from a man” Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ Every person who’s ever desecrated the book of Allah, the character of the Prophet ﷺ or the religion of Islam has met a terrible fate or been exposed as a vile piece of filth abu jahl vlad the impaler Reginald de chatillon Tarek fatah Rasmus paludan We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. “Little sister ran into my room and asked “hi smelly can I give you a present?” Obviously I say yes and the little bundle of adorableness shows me these 2 balloons”Xavier Palfreman. @xavierjp__ Replying to @KSI. Xavier Palfreman. TikTok is facing multiple lawsuits from parents who say their children died of strangulation attempting the “blackout challenge. According to bint Fiqh, only men have to lower their gaze. #stitch with @pearlmania500 #greenscreen #savetiktok @Pe. But where else am I gonna learn what the “pregnancy nose” is ??😅. 3M Followers. 23 May 2023 12:24:27 Why are you assuming genders in 2022… I expected better from you ngl I thought you were an alphabet army ally You can legit sit there between sets of chest press & gain an abundance of rewards Allahu Akbar Subhanallah Alhamdulillah subhanallah wabihamdihi Astagfirallah ^examples of dhikr you can say to make use of the time you’d otherwise spend scrolling through fahisha on IG\tiktok. Xavier Palfreman. Spiderverse continue their debate audio by @Nova #spiderverse. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 30 Apr 2023 12:25:01 “It appears as if people have found my Tik tok account from when I was a non Muslim I’ve been trying to get access to that account since I became Muslim to delete the videos but I don’t have the phone or email the account is linked to Tiktok won’t help me” Context: people who hate me, mostly Muslims, like to post my old TikTok videos as a “gotcha” moment. “@soulscribe_a @SheikhBorz Make misogyny great again”I’ve got more qualifications than you have teeth Please find something else to insult so you don’t look even more stupid Here are some common things that people like to use against me - I used to make TikTok’s - I used to wear skinny jeans - I’m half Indian - I’m a revert. @xavierjp__1. The Truth About The TikTok Account Claiming To Be From 2027. If you enjoy my content & would like to support me further, be sure to follow me on IG! I post extra video content (not that type ya nasty) as well as free fitness. In February 2021, the human race — already shaken by global catastrophes, political turmoil, and the arrival of a Pentagon UFO report that could blow the lid right off everything we thought we believed. 6B vues. Download the app to get started. local. 11. 8517. @xavierjp__ Genuine question, not being rude Was at a masjid in a new city & saw something I’ve never seen before Everytime the Prophet’s name ﷺ was mentioned EVERYONE was kissing their thumbs & touching their eyebrows Then there was a huge congregational dua at the end What was this?Xavier Palfreman. @xavierjp__. Following. @xavierjp__ You could have at least chosen a better shade of pink. It brought me strength, perspective, guidance & a strong moral compass. 2M Likes. “@VeryIntereste15 I warned people about those accounts One took their hijab off because it prevented them from progressing in their fashion career The other says hijab was not a commandment in the Quran Both love certain kaffir leaders”suaveblunt subscribe Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp_ If you get in an argument with your wife make sure to tell her: "I'm not interested in being disrespected by someone I lowered my standards for" Follow me for more tips to help you save your marriage 83 comments Hold up guys I'm try this FunkyDucky 5 1 Dorverce FunkyDucky @7TikTok video from Lauren Hopkins (@laurenhopo): "Happy birthday @Katie Palfreman xxxx hope your day is as beautiful as you #tiktokfamous #HappyBirthday #FlowerLovers #BirthdayGirl #endlessjourney #happybirthdayvideo #BirthdayTikToks #capcut #StrawberryTime #helpme". Xavier Palfreman. Wives of the sahaba fought at yarmouk so clearly knew how to handle weapons I’m against it because women shouldn’t post photos at all - it defies hijab. Context: people who hate me, mostly Muslims, like to post my old TikTok videos as a “gotcha” moment. @98sThoughts. ibytam. It makes no sense When a sister posts a tiktok of her in niqab it’s all “sister you shouldn’t be posting this!” And that’s true! She shouldn’t But then why are we posting cute Islamic couples with a man in a Thobe and *wait for it* a woman in niqab Let’s not be hypocrites. Xavier Palfreman. Spiderverse meet up pt 3 audio by @Nova. 8M Followers. Replying to @Tarottodaymn Raleigh NC is about to be litttt🔥🔥🔥 #fyp #suavexavier. @xavierjp__ No I will not wear a mask No I will not “socially distance” No will not take the shot No I will not stay at home No I will not follow the rules No I will not comply I didn’t the first time round I. Xavier Palfreman. 300. 26 Apr 2023 16:59:25 “Spent the best part of the last 2 years trying to improve since becoming muslim, only to have a group of people drag my past up to throw it in my face Now all sorts of false rumours are being spread about me being gay, me going clubbing every week, etc” Xavier Henry (@xavierhenry_) on TikTok | 107. Fun fact At the battle of Agincourt, English bowmen would attach their arrowheads to their arrow shafts using spit. Bro she’s not the only one They’re grilling me on Insta, Twitter and tiktok I’d understand if if I’d said “Muslim women are all stupid bints that need a slap and should be chained up in a kitchen” naudhubillah But what did I do to warrant such hate from my. 626K Followers. It’s all oh Harry being Harry but when JJ said in non maliciously grrr Ksi we hate you“In Ramadan many will be cutting back on how much time they’re in the gym for so they can focus on worship more But you might be worrying about “losing gains” Here’s some reassurance for you You can maintain muscle mass using only 2 intense sets per muscle group per week”“So YoUrE cOmPaRiNg WoMen To MoNey No, you single cell amoeba, I’m pointing out that when a man is protective of something, when it’s valuable to him, when it’s something he’s willing to fight & die for, then that man won’t flaunt it all over the internet for strangers to see”Xavier Palfreman. @xavierjp__ Not quite sure why our niqab-wearing womenfolk are catching strays in this tweet You could easily have made this point - which is a good one - without mocking a custom of our religion and the women who follow it. Xavier Palfreman. Xavier Palfreman. May 30. I run da block, I wet up da ops Cardi B: encourages your daughters and sisters to be wh*res Nicki Minaj: same as above Sam smith: no comment Drag Queen story time:. By S. Regarde la dernière vidéo de XavierPincemin (@xavierpincemin). @xavierjp__ Naah I gave up playing all my musical instruments for the sake of Allah Was probably the hardest thing for me I wasn’t a drinker, I didn’t smoke, eat pork, do hook up culture, smoke shisha, do drugs or any of that but giving up music & instruments was horrendously difficult. CEO of Thank you for your time😉 I have a PhD in life🤣 Actor/Entertainer🤩. Sweden is a free country you can burn whatever book you want, and no book should be treated otherwise. original sound - Lauren Hopkins. Like I said lol, I always have different ideas for these video compilations. @xavierjp__1. Suggested accounts. 5M. Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ This Ali dawah documentary thing is so perplexing to me The thumbnail has a woman without hijab The documentary has a woman without hijab And he’s talking about tracking down his ex girlfriend? Xavier Palfreman. Replying to @P. Xavier Palfreman @xavierjp__ If you are “Eid mubarak”ing your way into her DMs with a “halal pickup line” Please Block me (But not before you teach me how to rizzpect women)“It’s why I’m SHOCKED when people transgress the limits of what Allah has put in place. 6K. 410. It is infact my mom’s birthday tomorrow!! Wish her a Happy Birthday y’all 😌💕. Log in. @xavierjp__ This Ali dawah documentary thing is so perplexing to me The thumbnail has a woman without hijab The documentary has a woman without hijab And he’s talking about tracking down his ex girlfriend? Is it even allowed to discuss your past sins so brazenly? I always thought notXavier Palfreman.